
Why is Brazilian leather the favorite choice in the world?

In the universe of premium material, leather occupies a prominent position, becoming a synonym for durability, elegance, and sophistication. Among the many origins of this coveted material, Brazilian leather is highlighted on a notary model. But what really puts Brazil on the podium of world leather production? Behind this big history, is a combination of tradition, innovation, and tireless dedication and quality. In this article, we dive into the reasons that made Brazilian leather the perfect choice for countless brands, and why it deserves your attention. Check it out!

Brazil: The World’s Largest Commercial Herd Force

Brazil counts as the world’s largest commercial herd force, making it an inexhaustible source for the leather industry. According to data from the Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária), each year, more than 40 million skin and leather are tanned, solidifying Brazil as one of the five biggest leather manufacturers on the planet.

Of this immense production, more than 80 nations around the world choose leather made in Brazil. But it’s not just the abundance that attracts, it’s the mastery with which it is produced. Brazilian tanneries use state-of-the-art technology but are also based on a centuries-old tradition of leather production. Dedicated families have passed down their techniques and secrets from generation to generation, with around 30,000 people working passionately in the art of leather tanning in Brazil.

Unwavering Dedication to Quality

Although the vastness of the Brazilian herd is impressive, what sets Brazilian leather apart is its uncompromising dedication to quality. Brazil recognizes that being the biggest isn’t enough; you have to be the best. The Brazilian leather industry invests tirelessly in ensuring that every article produced is synonymous with excellence. This unwavering dedication to quality is one of the reasons why producers of shoes, bags, and accessories seek out Brazilian leather.

Innovation and Sustainability in Brazilian Leather

The Brazilian leather industry is not just a leader in production; it is a leader in innovation. With initiatives such as the Brazilian Leather Sustainability Certification (CSCB) and projects like Design na Pele and Leather Preview, Brazil is always at the forefront of bringing innovative and sustainable products to the market. These are not just fashion buzzwords; they are integrated into the industry’s DNA.

  • Design na Pele: This project promotes a continuous cycle of creativity and experimentation. Combining the vast knowledge of Brazilian tanneries with the work of Italian consultancy Arsutoria Vision Lab, the project enables the development of special leathers that give life to innovative footwear, bags, and accessories.
  • Leather Preview: With extensive research into trends, this event highlights the future directions of the footwear and accessories market, showing leathers from various Brazilian tanneries.

Courovale Commitment

At the forefront of this revolution in Brazilian leather is Courovale. We are committed to improving our production methods and developing collections that are in tune with the latest fashion and design trends. Our aim is not just to produce leather, but to create finished hides that translate inspiration and reflect the passion and tradition that only Brazilian leather can offer.

In short, Brazilian leather is not just a product: it is the perfect fusion of tradition and innovation, passion and technique. Courovale is always striving for perfection in every leather it creates. Visit our website and find out more about our journey to offer the best raw materials for the industry