
Courovale Certifications: A Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

In the constant search for excellence and to meet the demands of the global market, Courovale has invested in innovations and certifications that attest to its commitment to high standards of quality and sustainability. That’s why, when we talk about certifications at Courovale, we’re highlighting our track record of meeting market and consumer expectations.

LWG Certification: A Journey since 2011

Since 2011, Courovale has been proud to be certified by the Leather Working Group (LWG). The LWG is an international organization that works to bring about significant changes in leather production practices, making them more sustainable and ethical. This certification, especially focused on tanneries, carries out an audit assessing the environmental impact of leather production. In addition, through the audit, the LWG provides a path towards a more responsible and transparent leather supply chain, as well as promoting best practices in the performance of environmental, social, and management aspects.

Being aligned with and recognized by such a reputable entity as the LWG validates our ongoing commitment to sustainability. After all, this certification is a seal that represents the importance of Courovale’s dedication to transparency in the supply chain, reduction of waste generation and atmospheric emissions, and management of chemical products, among other aspects that encompass the certification process.


Certification CSCB: Commitment since 2018

Joining the CSCB certification in 2018 has further strengthened Courovale’s position as a leader in the production of high-quality leathers.

CICB – Centro das Indústrias de Curtumes do Brasil ,The Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry, has prestigiously awarded this certification, which is based on the NBR 16.296 standard. This standard establishes strict and comprehensive parameters to guarantee sustainable practices throughout the leather production chain.

One of the central pillars of CSCB certification is strict compliance with environmental legislation, ensuring that all of Courovale’s processes respect and contribute positively to the environment. Another vital component is the traceability of raw materials. This guarantees the origin and integrity of the inputs used in the process, from their direct supplier to the final product.

Why are Courovale certifications essential?

Courovale’s certifications represent our ongoing commitment to excellence at all levels of production. By seeking these certifications, we reinforce our respect for both current legislation and the best practices in the global industry.

In addition, in the current context, where consumers are increasingly attentive and demanding about the origin and sustainable practices of products, having these certifications allows us to show that we are in line with their expectations.

For Courovale, obtaining and maintaining these certifications is a recognition of excellence and commitment to ethical, sustainable, and high-quality production. We will therefore continue to dedicate ourselves to ensuring that every item we produce is up to international standards and the expectations of our valued customers. Because, after all, we don’t just want to produce leather – we want to make a difference in the industry. Visit our website and check out our sustainability policies.