
Leathers are not the same and that’s good!

The skins will never be identic between themselves and this characteristic is extremely positive. By presenting imperfections, marks and differences between the pieces, it denotes that they have a natural aspect, which gives it originality and all the noble properties that the material has. Therefore, leather often has no defects, but rather its own characteristics.

As a material of animal origin, leather has different characteristics between each skin, in terms of texture, color and density. And these factors bring a special touch of personality. It is evident that there are several types of leathers and finishing, which gives new attributes to the articles.

However, it is important to emphasize that the leather material, in terms of product for commercial purposes, is one! You got confused? Calm down and we explain: according to Law n. 4,888, which regulates the use of the expression “leather” in Brazil for the sale of products made from the material, the use of expressions such as “synthetic leather” or “ecological leather” is prohibited.

  • Basically, the rule says that:
  • Illegitimate products cannot be sold as leather
  • Each imitation must contain a description of its composition
  • The word “leather” cannot be used or modified to designate synthetic products
  • Failure to comply with the law is a crime

So, rest assured: Courovale guarantees the legitimacy of finished leathers, providing all its naturalness and originality, which give it outstanding characteristics and qualities.

In quick comparison with other materials, leather presents durability and resistance as great differentials for the pieces. The product made of synthetic material has lower value, short service life and low strength.

Another easy way to differentiate products is on the label: leather will describe that it is a “100% leather” material, while in other materials that contain leather as part of their composition, it is mandatory to include in the description the others inputs used in the piece production.

Understood? Leather is a unique material with natural properties that give it personality and originality. Learn more about this rich and noble material through our finishing! Courovale promotes values ​​for your company to achieve the best results in leather goods!